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Friday, June 4, 2010


Call me what ever you want BUT I have done with it, the annoying gesture of Iranian people, I am fed up, I am ganna throw up, literally and phisycally.

I am done with all SHITt-e-chat , emotional statement , ignorant comment amf sellfish looks, I am done with that...hala oon aghabiya , dasta kojast..? Finished, Finito leave me alone, I am goinna die alone, in a jungle, h a p p i l y, dying alone....thanks for not asking whereabouts....

Too Bad

Watching a rare good video , it’s Nickleback , the Canadian Rock band which again put you into wonder if any Canadian has ever feel the pain….well, it’s a perception of people from Middle east, isn’t it?
It reminded me of of almost 17 years back, when some day, out of the blue, My Mom realized that my dad failed to pay Home’s mortgage for almost 14 months…..that was a gloomy day, believe me…obviously I didn’t have the slightest idea of what’s going on but I was sure that something BAD has happened m lot’s of crying and all….and now, you are 40 and you catch yourself wiping off your tears of this video…reminding you of a abandoned dad and all, how much difference does it make?

You are done.

Tears too much to wipe away…